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When Something Must Be Done about an Old Web Page

In a prior tip I wrote about thinking hard before removing an old web page.

Often these pages are performing well enough to keep them.

However, sometimes something really must be done about an old website page.

In that case, I recommend …

  1. If possible, simply revise the page to update the information.
  2. If you must remove it, perform a 301 redirect (your web master can help you).
Arrow to signify forwarding a web page

A 301 redirect is like forwarding your snail mail from a prior residence to your new residence. It redirects your old web page address (URL) to a similar page on your website or simply to your Home page.

By doing this redirect, you carry over any SEO benefits your old page may have garnered and your customers are not frustrated by receiving a 404 Error page. This often happens when someone has linked to your old page and your customer clicks on it.

Easy Web Tip 330: When an old web page must be retired, be sure to redirect it.

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