(559) 309-2940



Remember, with all of my web specialist services, you get ME — and my complete personal attention. I do not farm out any content development or search engine optimization work to any subcontractors.

Of course, I can work with with your ad agency or web developer on the technical and design aspects of your website.

Tap Expertise


Web Copywriting / SEO Copywriting for Leads and Sales

Web Design

Project Management — Website

Web Site Review

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Web Content and SEO Training for Content Editors

Web Content and SEO Coaching for Individuals

White Papers

Keyword Research / Management

Title and Description Tags

Customizing Storefront and Franchise Web Sites (including E-Commerce)

Sales Landing Pages

Information Pages

App Descriptions / SEO for Apps

E-Blasts / Auto-Responders

Case Studies

Press Releases (writing and distribution)

Ghostwriting & Book Editing — Non-fiction business books; legacy / memoirs

And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask!

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