Strategizing, Planning, Writing
If you need a white paper writer, I can help.
White papers are not something I normally do, but when a longtime client asked if I could write one, I said, “You bet.”
It came out really well if I say so myself.
He thought so, too.
“Since the launch of our company, Radiant Ride, we have significantly benefited from the talents of Kathy Andes. With her extensive writing and content development background, Kathy has helped our company produce an exceptional white paper: Driving S.M.A.R.T. Repairs to Dealerships. This publication received a “Best Practice” award on a notable automotive podcast, Fixed Ops Roundtable.
We consider ourselves truly fortunate to have Kathy Andes on our vendor team. She is not just a highly skilled writer in the digital age, but also a versatile content creator who can tailor her work to suit various platforms. Whether it’s a blog post, a social media campaign, or a professional networking platform, Kathy excels in every medium. She is a true professional!”
Earl “Sticks” Brown
CEO Radiant Ride

If you would like to review the white paper yourself, please feel free to download (50MB file). Earl said it was okay.
And if you would like me to help you strategize, plan, and write your white paper, let’s chat.