Friendly Web Content Development for Local Companies

Serving Up Fresh and “Friendly” Content Daily

Hi, my name is Katherine Andes.

I love to help local businesses — like yours — make more sales with their websites. Here are the three ways I help:

  1. If you have a web designer, I can develop unique, compelling, and  friendly content.
  2. If you have a storefront website, I can develop unique, compelling and friendly content.
  3. If you don’t have either of the above, I can build a website with, of course, unique, compelling and friendly content.
Happy emojis shaking hands

Why “friendly” is sooooo important?

Online marketing demands a “friendly” conversational voice. The writing on your website must be relaxed, yet informative. Like one friend talking to another. This builds trust between your company and your prospects.

And trust means sales!

By the way, the friendliness isn’t just about the words. It’s also about how the site is arranged.

  • Does the navigation make sense?
  • Are the images compelling?
  • Are there badges to reinforce trust?
  • How about testimonials?
  • Are the call-to-actions strategically placed?
  • Are the tags for search engine optimization (SEO) written to encourage click throughs from search results?

Since 2007, I have helped local businesses put their best foot forward online.

The companies I work for show up well in Google search rankings and their customers love their websites because they are friendly, informative, and easy to use.

Naturally, that means their sales increase!

Isn’t it time you stop bleeding sales simply because the writing and arrangement of content on your site is same-old, same-old?

Remember — Better Web Content means Better Web Sales. 

Let's get started!
Should you hire someone for your web content?

Hire content maestro first.

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What is good content?

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