A few tips back, I wrote about how favicons are showing up in search results. Very cool.
In this tip, I want to show more how beneficial they are to your prospects when they are visiting your website.
Favicons appear in the browser window bar.
Even if lots of windows are open and you can’t fully read the names of the companies, just the icon alone tells you which window is which.
Note which of the above icons stand out the best. In the above, I would say Target’s bullseye favicon is the clearest. But they are all good, including mine on the far left. ;D
The black and white “world” icon on the far right is what shows up if you don’t have a favicon. Not cool.
When designing your favicon, keep in mind you want folks to be able to quickly and easily identify your company. That way if they’ve wandered off elsewhere, they can navigate back to your site and make the purchase!
Easy Furniture Web Tip 349: A well-designed favicon can help you close a sale.