Two Easy and Fun Tips for SEO Copywriting

When I first began to learn SEO copywriting, my coach taught me to look for opportunities  to get my client’s best keyword phrases into the web page content by simply rearranging sentences.

You don’t have to be a professional at SEO copywriting to do the same thing. It’s not rocket science, but it does take some practice and skill.

For example, you may write a sentence on an About page like this:

Tiffany began her furniture sales career in St. Paul.

Since “furniture in St. Paul” is a good keyword phrase, you can rewrite the sentence as:

Tiffany began her career selling furniture in St. Paul.

Another fun tip to remember is that search engines ignore punctuation. So if you write:

Sophia developed an interest in interior design while working in a furniture store. Today, Chicago is where she makes her home.

In our revision, we will embed the good keyword phrase “interior design chicago.”

While working in a furniture store, Sophia developed an interest in interior design. Chicago is where she makes her home.

Google tells us we don’t have to use keyword phrases exactly, and that’s good to remember. I do like to mix things up on a page. But if I’m not getting the results I want, I go back and put more exact keyword phrases in the content and that often boosts the rankings.

Easy Furniture Web Tip 276: One of my favorite SEO copywriting techniques is simply to rearrange the copy to include my client’s best keyword phrases.

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