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Your About Us Page is No Time to Be a Grump

Once a long, long time ago, when I was a fledgling SEO copywriter, I had a grumpy client. Terribly grumpy.

My client’s home furnishings products had a western theme and he only sold online. I was perfect for the job.

His background was that he was raised on a ranch and, in his youth, was a bona fide cowboy who competed in rodeos. It was a wonderful background for his products.

I knew his personal story would make for a great About Us page.

I was excited. But every time I put something in his copy that told anything about him personally, he said, “Take it out.”

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I tried to explain to him the power of making your company “human” with personal stories. This is especially important for online selling.

But I continued to get emails from him saying, “Take it out, take it out.”

It was a stupid mistake on his part. He had a great product and, perhaps, he has done well. I don’t know because I don’t work for him anymore.

Just the same, I bet he would have done better if he had let me write his personal story.

How about you? Are you grumpy when it comes to writing your About Us page? Do you keep everything “professional”? i.e. corporate, impersonal, stuffy … grumpy?

That’s not professional, that’s dumb. If you had a customer in your store or office, would you refrain from trying to make a personal connection with her? Of course not!

As a seasoned sales person or business executive, you would be looking for any opening to relate to your prospect. You would want to make her smile.

Easy Web Tip #171: To build a great About Us page, let your personality burst through the screen. This is no time to be a grump!

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