Think a Second Time about Joining the Better Business Bureau

When I was growing up the Better Business Bureau had an impeccable reputation. Business owners proudly displayed their seals in their shop windows. They wouldn’t dream of not being a member of the BBB.

Somewhere along the line, that broke down. I don’t know why.

I do know that, today, businesses with websites should definitely join the BBB.


Today’s BBB is web savvy. I am very impressed with their website and its online directory. Both are easy to use and helpful to the public, as well as its members.

Their online member communications are also excellent.

When you join the BBB, you get two important benefits. Your website will be listed in their directory giving you strong “link juice” that will help your search engine results.*

The second benefit is that you can put the BBB seal on key pages of your website.

Recognizable online seals give your website visitors confidence that they are dealing with a reputable firm and not a fly-by-night website.

Easy Web Tip 77: Join the Better Business Bureau to get valuable “link juice” from being listed in their directory and to use their online seal on key pages of your website.

*Since this post was originally written, the Better Business Bureau has instituted “no follow” protocols on its links to member sites, so this benefit no longer applies.

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