Posting on Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) can help a company stand out on a search results page.
In my Easy Web Tip from several years ago, I explained what you need to know about them. I also said it would take 10 to 15 minutes of your time weekly.
Today, I am happy to report it no longer takes time away weekly.
It used to be that after a week your post would “expire” and disappear from the search results field. About six months ago, I noticed I wasn’t getting expiration notices anymore.
So I experimented and found, indeed, posts were sticking and no longer expiring after a week.
I then created two “evergreen” posts for a client and uploaded them. In the image below, I am only able to show you a portion of the Google feature. The posts are below the reviews.

As you can see from the dates, the posts above are many months old. However, I anticipate these two posts will expire soon as I just got a notice on another client whose post was six months old.
Still, not having to post every single week is a nice feature.
I don’t know how long this new policy will last, but you may as well take advantage of it while you can because these attractive posts help make a company stand out on a search results page.
Of course, you can still update weekly if you like, or monthly, or whenever. The main thing is to at least get started.
Easy Web Tip 318: Build two attractive posts for your Google Business Profile page.