When I was a young woman, I worked for a literary agent in L.A. We represented a writer who in his younger years had written (among other things) episodes of the 1950s TV Show Gunsmoke. A very talented writer in my opinion.
One stormy day, when it was down pouring as only it can in L.A., he was late for an appointment in our office. My boss and I were worried about him. We knew he was flying in on a private plane from Colorado or Wyoming or Montana … one of those states.

At last he blazed through our door all windblown and decidedly … drunk!
As he stumbled into our office, he said,“That was one scary flight.”
I was thinking to myself that he was referring to the storm. Then he said …
“I had to fly the plane myself, the other guy was drunk.”
Well, I GUESS that could be a good reason to fly a plane drunk: The other guy was drunker.
Sometimes I feel that way in this crazy brave new digital marketing world of AI, Internet, social media, etc.
It feels like we’re all inebriated and don’t quite know what we’re doing.
Personally, I like to think the other guys are drunker and I’m doing a little better than they.
But I’m definitely drunk!
Easy Furniture Web Tip 362: As we go more into the ever-changing digital world, hang on as best you can and enjoy the ride.
P.S. I have absolutely no memory of the name of my writer friend. Wherever he is, I wish him