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Fetch as Google Means Faster Indexing

When you add a new page to your website, you want the search engines, especially Google, to list the page as fast as possible. This is called indexing.

It used to average seven to ten days for Google’s robots to find, crawl, and index your new page.fetch canstockphoto5250206

However, now you don’t have to wait. Google’s Webmaster Tools has a tool called Fetch as Google, where you can get your page indexed immediately and then see your new page listed in search results within minutes.

You simply sign in to your Webmaster Tools (sign up if you haven’t already). On the Left column click on Crawl and then click on Fetch as Google.

Enter the file name of your new page and click Fetch. In moments, you’ll get a message saying the page has been successfully crawled and indexed.

I did this for a new page for a client. His desired search term — a home improvement service he offered — had been ranking #55 (about page 5). I wrote a new page using the search term and within minutes of submitting his new page to Google, he had moved up to #15 (page two). After a month, he had moved up to the 2nd position on the first page. Very cool.

As a side note, in my experience, search results often rise higher after several months.

Easy Web Tip #191: Use Fetch as Google to get your new web pages found by prospects faster.

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