Ever-Changing Content

I’ve found that a lot of prospective and past clients say to me, “I know I need to be updating my pages …” And then they proceed to apologize for not changing content on perfectly good web pages.

Poor things. No wonder they put off working on their websites. If you had to constantly be changing content on all the pages of your website, it would be a never-ending money drain with little to show for the investment.

Perhaps they get that idea because we web professionals are always stressing “new content.” New content is important, but that doesn’t necessarily mean revising old content.

New content in the form of new pages is what’s key. Not changing content that’s performing well!

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Many of my customers report ongoing excellent results with pages written years ago. That’s one of the benefits of having key web pages properly developed and optimized in the first place.

I do encourage website owners to be always expanding their web site with new content on new pages and with new keywords to bring in new customers.

Easy Web Tip #144: Please don’t worry about changing content on perfectly good pages on your web site.

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