Not too long ago, I gave a talk to a service group. A very busy woman got very enthusiastic about the possibilities of improving her business website. She called me later and during our discussion she said she was very interested in developing a blog / e-newsletter.
“You could hire a marketing student from the college to help you write your content,” I advised.
“It wouldn’t be worth it to hire someone. I can write a blog in five minutes,” she said.
“But you told me you don’t have a free minute,” I replied.
“Why would I hire someone to do something I could do myself in five minutes?”
For some reason, I was so taken aback that I didn’t respond properly. But for others, who think they can write a blog in five minutes, let me now respond.
I don’t care how well you know your subject, you can’t write, edit, and polish even a short blog or e-newsletter post in five minutes. Here’s what you can do …
You can get an idea in 5 minutes.
- You can write the beginning in 5 minutes.
- You can write the middle in 5 minutes.
- You can write the ending in 5 minutes.
- You can edit in 5 minutes.
- You can polish in 5 minutes.
So if you are talented and very fast, you can write a decent short piece in 30 minutes. But most folks can’t even do that.
But we aren’t finished. Next you need to …
- Determine the theme of your post.
- Search Google Adwords for better keywords.
- Embed the keywords in your post.
- Find an image for your post.
- Embed the image in your post.
- Write a title tag with the keywords.
- Write a description tag with the keywords.
And … if you also use your blog post as an e-newsletter like I do, then you need to …
- Upload the newsletter to your mass email system.
- Proof it.
- Test it.
- Set up the social media blasts.
- Schedule it.
Oh, and then you need to follow up and respond to any comments your readers may post.
I don’t write this to discourage you. Blogging and sending out email newsletters is a great way to build your reputation as an authority in your field and to stay in contact with your prospects and customers.
It just takes a commitment. And with practice, it does get easier and faster. By the way, now maybe you understand why so many businesses, including your competitors, don’t regularly blog. This leaves a nice big opportunity for you!
EASY WEB TIP #156: Get into the habit of sending out a regular blog / email newsletter to your prospects and clients. Set up a regular schedule. For many businesses, once a month is just fine.