Do you remember the olden’ days (circa 1990s) when websites would serve an introductory page with animation before it served you the home page?
At first, they seemed clever, but soon we all found them annoying. Who wants to wait for an animation to run before getting to what you’re looking for?
Who has time for that?
Today, designers are coming up with animated logos. They are truly fun and creative. But should they be used on a website?
Animated logos, like the animated graphics of earlier years, distract the reader from where we want visitors to focus.
You work hard to get folks to your website, so the last thing you want to do is distract them from their mission once they get to your site.
It’s as if you’re driving down the road and you see a disabled car with someone trying to flag you down. Okay, we’re talking back in the day before cell phones and better vehicles, but stay with me a minute.
The act of flagging you down is like the animated logo. It gets your attention.
But once you’ve stopped to help the stranded motorist, there is no need for him to keep flagging you down.
Use animated logos where you need to attract attention, like social media posts, electronic signage, or a broadcast commercial.
Easy Web Tip 297: Animated logos are fun and useful, but they aren’t suitable for websites.