Always be Marketing … Internet Marketing

In the past year, I’ve heard some interesting comments from clients, especially in the home furnishings business.

“Business is good. My competitors closed and I’m picking up their customers.”

“My competition shut down. Her customers are coming to me.”

“I got a call from my competitor. He wants to know if I’ll buy his merchandise.”

There is something to be said for “hanging in there” when times get rough.

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Remember, though, these comments came from my clients. They do more than just hang tough.

They are diligent and consistent with their marketing efforts. They don’t stop their ad budgets because of an economic downturn.

Most important, they are savvy about their Internet marketing. They don’t let it slide.

Their websites are optimized for local search so that customers can find their sites in the first place. Then their pages are developed so that customers can quickly find what they need … and why they should purchase from them.

Easy Web Tip #106: When times get tough, hang in there. And always be marketing, especially Internet marketing.

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