Age of Web Site is Important

If you are one of the many companies that still doesn’t have a website — and you would be surprised to find out how many still don’t — you might want to get one started now. Even if it’s just a few pages.

Make a Website
Don’t wait to build a website. Age of domain is important.

This is because the “age of a web site” is taken into account by search engines when determining how high a ranking to give your pages.

In turn, your ranking is part of the calculation that determines how well you’ll do in search results.

So if you’re waiting for better times to build a really good site, you might want to at least get a domain name and a few pages up and running.

Easy Web Tip #47: Even if you don’t think you need a website, yet; at least, get a small one up and running to start the time clock for page rank.

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